25 September, 2012

Loom Knitting -Long loom

             Hey everyone! So I am home sick :( but am able to post something new. (Actually when I am sick most of the day I do Knit because there is nothing else to do).  I am making a scarf for my self on this loom and I already did almost 1' in one day. It's sort of like express knitting needles if you think about it. So here are the instructions. So here you go!

You need: 
     -Long loom (I used a loom  for thick and bulky yarn)
     -Bulky Yarn
     -Pen Cartridge


   Blue Loom
This is what your loom should look like
This is stitch after you make it

Here are the directions on making this

24 September, 2012

Loom Knitting- Round loom

Subject: Round Loom Knitting

Difficulty - Easy to hard 

Type of stitch taught today- Single knit 

Color of loom -Blue

Project- Scarf

Type of yarn wanted- Bulky 


 Blue loom

 Empty pen Cartridge

Hook (to YO) 
Bulky or thick yarn

What you need to Know:

The pen Cartridge is to easily move the yarn this is optional
The blue loom is for demonstration purposes only. You can use it to make a scarf though! 

Steps: (For the Non-Visual learner) 

1.) Do the slip knot (Same as when you knit) 
2.) Push the yarn through the Cartridge 
3.) Lets Start!

4.) Put the Loop on the side peg 
5.) Make the letter 'e' around the loom
6.) Stop at the center peg but if you want "two sided) scarf you do the entire thing
7.) Repeat step six so you have two loops on each peg
8.) Take the bottom loop and put it over the top loop of the peg and do it until there is one loop on each peg
9.) Repeat step seven-eight until desired length 

Steps for the Visual Learner 


Side peg